Sunday, April 3, 2016

THE FIFTH UNIVERSAL TRUTH: You will live forever

THE FIFTH UNIVERSAL TRUTH: You will live forever

The funeral ceremonies are under way and the body of your loved one lies in the casket. Where is your loved one now? In heaven? At peace? Can your loved one see and hear you? Does he or she know your pain?

Or is it all a myth? An illusion generated by the biological impulse to survive?

In the past, mankind had little problem with this. It was simply assumed that when the body dies, the spirit lives on. The only debate was in what happens afterwards.

The great exception in human history is our modern, techno-based society. For at least three hundred years, science and technology have transformed our lives. At a price. And one enormous cost outweighs all the rest: uncountable millions absorbed the message—passing it on to their descendents—that ‘real’ means physical; that reliable physical matter generates unreliable consciousness. So, many of us carry an extra burden of fear: that when our body dies, we die.

And yet science itself is poised to correct this mental disease. Physicists have discovered that the behaviour and existence of subatomic particles depend on what’s going on in the mind of the experimenter. In other words, that consciousness generates physical matter. That’s an astonishing discovery, because it turns science’s most basic assumptions upside down. A major science law (the first law of thermodynamics) says that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, and can only change its form. Soon, mankind will adopt a new wording: consciousness can be neither created nor destroyed, and can only change the form of its expression.

The fifth universal truth is that you will live forever.
