Friday, March 4, 2016

Powerful and expensive motercycle

Powerful and expensive motercycle

Compiling a list of the Most Expensive New Motorcycles requires a bit of definition. Like nearly every other consumer product, there’s no limit on how high the price tag can run on a custom motorcycle. One-offs and race development bikes can cost millions, and actual retail pricing does not apply. Our list will concentrate on current production motorcycles that you can buy at an authorized dealer or factory in the United States of America.

That still leaves quite a range of bikes from a surprising number of manufacturers. Some of the bikes on our list exist because of a racing connection. They are either bikes intended for track use, or race replicas – exact copies of the bikes that run in race series as part of factory professional teams. Other bikes are halo bikes – fully dressed and accessorized versions of production bikes that are built to show off a manufacturer’s capabilities.


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