Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Goli ley laage jhai | Sushma Karki | 2016 Modern Song

Goli ley laage jhai | Sushma Karki | 2016 Modern Song

This video is about Sushma Karki Shooting Report Video. Shooting Music video title is ‘Goli le laage jhai najarle hanideu’ which is done in cold weather in valley. Everyone there were present with the warm clothes but she in a summer hot clothes and in the middle of the river as well the warm is split over her. This seems to be very hard as she said she is suffering from fever and common cold. This is not her wish but her passion to tolerate and enjoy this moment even it is so hard. Director of this video maker very optimistic that this video will be different then any other music video and surely audience will enjoy !!!
