Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Ultimate Girls Fails of the Year

Ultimate Girls Fails of the Year

Funny men and women. Despite the obvious flaws (stated above) in his nature, Singh was a charmer, and was played to near-perfection by now-popular Hindi stand-up comic Kapil Sharma. Punjabi-speaking, quick-witted cop from the hinterland was a character that catapulted Kapil Sharma to stardom. His brand of observational comedy which often commented on the difference between the urban and the rural, the rich and the poor made him a family favourite. With great regret, however, we must announce that Inspector Shamsher Singh has gone missing, and it’s been a few years. He was replaced by a sexist, unfunny, offensive and unintelligent Bittoo Sharma – also unfortunately played to perfection by Kapil Sharma in Comedy Nights with Kapil. After three “successful” years, the show finally came. 

                                                      click here to watch
