MY WIFE @ New Nepali Comedy Movie
MY WIFE @ New Nepali Comedy Movie
A daily alcoholic beverage or two may be good for men who have survived a heart attack, according to new research published in the European Heart Journal.The study, carried out by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, found that men who consumed two alcoholic drinks per day after their first heart attack were at lower risk of dying than non-drinking men. The type of drink did not have an effect on the results, but heavy drinkers had a risk of death that was similar to that of non-drinkers.Researchers followed more than 1,800 men who survived a heart attack. The study participants filled out lifestyle questionnaires, and researchers found that men who drank about two alcoholic drinks per day had a 42 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular problems and a 12 percent reduced risk of dying from any cause, when compared with teetotalers.