Master plan of india to capture the water resource
Master plan of india to capture the water resource
In the east tensions are rising as India expresses concerns about a spate of planned dam-building projects by China on rivers flowing into Indian territory, particularly on the mighty Brahmaputra.
Meanwhile Nepal and the north Indian state of Bihar accuse each other of mismanaging water resources that straddle the border.1
Regional cooperation is limited and, in many areas, non-existent.
In some countries data on vital environmental factors, such as river flows and management, falls into the category of national security and is closely guarded.
The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development was founded in the early 1980s and based in Kathmandu, Nepal’s capital.
It is the only intergovernmental body gathering cross-border environmental information and monitoring climate change across a region stretching from the mountains of the Hindu Kush and Afghanistan in the west to Yunnan in southwest China in the east.