Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Keep these things in mind to prevent pneumonia in kids

Keep these things in mind to prevent pneumonia in kids

Pneumonia is basically a lung inflammation caused due to bacterial or viral infection. This causes the air sacs to fill with pus and may even become solid. The inflammation may affect both the lungs, only one or only certain lobes.

Below are listed some things to be kept in mind to prevent pneumonia in kids:Hard time breathing and breathing fast.
Normally pneumonia affects children only after 3 days of catching cold.
A child with serious pneumonia is not drink breast milk. And is also not able to eat other things.
Pneumonia infection is more in mal nourished children and children with weak immune system.
Cold and cough get cured on their own.
A normal cold gets cured with in 6-7 days. A normal home remedy can also treat it. Doctor should be consulted instantly in case of doubt and antibiotics should be used.

Things to do to prevent pneumonia in kidsWashing hand before feeding a child is very important.
Only bre@$t milk should be fed to a child until 6 months of birth.
If a child is above 6 months, nutritious food with mother’s milk should be fed.
Vaccines should be given to child to prevent it.
It is better not to keep a child at a very crowded place for long time.
Do not smoke in front of a child.
Keep a child warm inside room but not too warm.
Child should be kept in a ventilated room. This makes child easier to breathe.
Keep room and house clean.
Precautions should be taken when the child is outside.


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